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Learn About Techlumen

All about Techlumen

The continuous contact with the users of the facilities constructed and the products manufactured by our company, the knowledge of the needs and specificities of businesses and individuals, as well as the promotion of energy efficiency as a major goal of nowadays , gave birth to Techlumen.

Techlumen’s lighting technology is LED, offering excellent performance, low energy consumption and remarkable quality.

The challenge of our time is energy efficiency. In the field of lighting the technology that provides the most energy saving is the LED. But not all the LED lights are the same . In the market there are plenty of low cost LED lights claiming features that fail to deliver. Also, there are other that offer excellent features with really high cost. The gap between these two cases, Techlumen are aiming to cover. They are produced in Greece by Tsiolakis Construction.

Using branded  LED chips and drivers, highly designed heatsink and other parts, tested for months in our labs, Techlumen aim at maximum quality at comparatively low cost.